O Princess Ghṛtācī of the Matsyaka Scythians – whose beauty is equated by no other maiden of any race in any of the three worlds – whose auspicious birth was heralded by the great sages of the Āryas as prophetic of a great conqueror from Strīrājya and by the sages of the Western tribes as the reincarnation of the Great Queen Tahm-Rayish who vanquished the Persians.
This message is from an Ārya of Gandhāra who, remaining anonymous, has chosen to identify himself merely as “a well-wisher of yours”.
He says: Beware your friends, princess.
Beware of those who demand a right to your trust for they are of the same bloodline.
As the dynastic light of a most illustrious Scythian line, you have been taught by your family to beware your enemies – but I, who am neither your relation nor your enemy, tell you to beware of both.
It is foolish for you to celebrate the rise in ranks of your sister Kṛpā and the presence that she has made in Kamboja.
In truth, she is only seizing what is rightfully yours.
If this thought is too painful or offensive for you to hold, then take that as proof of my words, as proof that those you call your own have enslaved your mind even without enslaving you, that each of them use your abilities towards their ends without heed to those capacities of yours that serve your own ambitions.
You must prove me wrong, princess. You must prove to me, that you have not been enslaved so, as most boys and girls of our age so naively are.
The other Scythian tribes have pushed yours South of the Oxus River, and in your new home you are displaced by the Bāhlīkas who seek to reclaim the land that was once theirs. If your sister Kṛpā claims Kamboja for herself, then you may assume that she will take the whole of Āryāvarta for herself. You will have nowhere to go, nothing to rule, no legacy to claim.
You are the prophesied conqueror of all the countries East of the Sindhu river – do not allow your sister to take this title for herself. Your name is one that ought to be recited by the bards of history for as long as men’s tongues last – do not allow it to be forgotten. For prophecies are made true by your own actions, and the lazy do not have prophecies written about them.
Consider your options carefully and wisely, and seek out opportunities to avail, or make them yourself.